3 Effective Recruiting Strategies You Can Automate
Don’t you just hate getting unsolicited resumes from qualified candidates in your inbox every week? Yeah…I didn’t think so. A couple of years ago, I had no effective recruiting strategies for my company. The only plan I had was to react quickly when I lost an employee.
I’d pay Monster.com some overpriced fee that got me zero qualified candidates. Then I’d put it out to an insurance-specific head hunter and finally find someone, again paying much more than I wanted. I knew there had to be a better way.
Then one day it hit me. I knew how to drive thousands of visitors to my website every month, but not one of them was looking for a job. Or were they?
What if I took what I knew about driving potential customers to my site and applied that to recruiting insurance agents? As you’ve probably guessed, it worked…in a big way!
Here’s 2 years worth of data:
- 4750 Unique visitors to my career landing pages.
- 963 Resumes submitted for 5 different positions.
- 831 YouTube hits for our careers marketing video.
- 9 Employees hired.
- 0 Fingers lifted once these strategies were put on autopilot.
The highly effective recruiting strategies I’m about to teach you should cost you a fraction of what you would pay a recruiting firm and it will save you hours of time trying to manually hunt for new talent. Whether you run an insurance agency or a security guard company, you can easily benefit from these recruiting methods. What you’ll end up with is a consistent flow of qualified candidates you can either hire now or file away for a rainy day.
1: Create A High Converting “Careers” Landing Page With LeadPages
If you’re not familiar with what a landing page is, hop on over to Leadpages and check it out. Essentially, a landing page is a webpage where you’ll send targeted groups of people and have them take specific action, like apply for a job. Take a look at my “Careers” landing page below.
Notice 3 key things this page has:
- A bold title to draw prospective applicants in.
- A clear call to action: “Apply Now”
- Actual faces of our employees. Applicants want to get an idea of the type of people they’ll be working alongside.
You’ll also notice there are short descriptions of our most popular positions, along with links to each position’s own landing page. We’ll talk about that next.
2: Create Landing Pages For Each Position In Your Company
Once you’ve given your visitors an overview of what positions you have available, it’s time to give them what they’re looking for. You can still use Leadpages for this. But I’m using my WordPress theme so I can embed video and images exactly where I want them. Take a look at our Commercial Lines CSR page below.
Notice the effective recruiting strategies baked into this page:
- Call To Action (CTA) buttons at the top and bottom of your page. Make sure they stand out with a catchy color other than your website’s theme.
- Images of real staff members and testimonials from them about why they enjoy working at your company.
- Your position’s Job Descrpiton, Key Responsibilities, Desired Skills and Experience, a Company Description and Benefits they’ll receive from working there. By the way, don’t just focus on financial and health benefits. Get them excited about your office tailgate parties or company service projects. They are human, after all!
- Finally, and this is the money shot, a video that tells the story of your company, it’s vision and why people want to work there. Watch our video below to see what I mean.
This video has probably been one of the most effective recruiting strategies I’ve used.
Can’t argue with that!
I’m a hobby videographer/video editor, so I spent a little extra time making this video that the average agency owner. You can easily make a recruiting video like this with your smart phone and software like iMovie.
But if you’ve got the video bug like me, here’s what I used to create it:
- Nikon D7000 16.2 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera
- Oben Tripod
- Rode smartLav+ Lavalier Microphone
- Neewer 43-inch / 110cm 5-in-1 Collapsible Multi-Disc Light Reflector
for bouncing fill light from the window back onto me. You could also use a big piece of white foam board.
- Final Cut Pro X for video editing.
Or, if you’d rather not fool with any of this, contact one of my podcast guests, Logan Hale. He’s built an awesome company called V3 Media Marketing that specializes in producing video content for businesses throughout their digital media marketing efforts.
3: Use Forms To Gather Resumes From Your Landing Pages
The last piece of our effective recruiting strategies puzzle is embedding forms into these landing pages for people to be able to send you their resume.
LeadPages is built around getting people to click a button to take action. However, we’ve directed the button on the main careers page to go to another page on our site that has an embedded form we created using Wufoo.
This is a general form for people to apply for any of our positions. We also use Wufoo forms on our site to help automate our highly effective customer referral program.
All other pages for individual job positions have their own form that indicates the position. Here’s what those look like.
At a bare minimum, you’ll want to capture:
- Name
- Phone
- Comments section
- Most importantly, the option to upload a Word or PDF resume OR paste a LinkedIn profile URL.
I personally love it when people provide their LinkedIn profile. It saves me a step since that’s part of my candidate review process.
That’s It! Now Sit Back And Watch Those Resume’s Start Pouring In.
Yes, it’ll take a little time for Google to start sending traffic your way. But the hard work is over. In the meantime, share your newly created landing pages as much as you can through social media to get things kickstarted. Given enough time, your efforts will pay off. You’ll soon have an ultra effective set of online recruiting strategies working for you night and day.
What Are Your Most Effective Recruiting Strategies? Let Me Know In The Comments Below.
I love learning from my readers. So please do share with me what successful recruiting strategies you’re using in your agency.